It closes all the opened entries.
Setting the entries
To create, modify or open entries. You may open multiple entries : use the 'next window' button to switch between entries views.
Closing an entry
It terminates the current connection on the foreground windows.
Toggling between entries
Visible if more than one document are actived. To differenciate screens, a title takes a random colour and the name of the entry is in the title bar. Tile and cascade are in the Window entry of the menu.
Refresh button
It is just a macro who closes and re-opens the entry.
Accessible by F5 too.
Global Parameters
To choose the language ( Only French and English are available today ) , set colours and explorers and winzip paths.
Buttons bar size
It is a toggle button to reduce or increase the bar size. The last choice is memorized . The first time, it is useful to adjust the bar.
Big format is the default.
Items list aspect
Clicking on 3 times, you will see alternatively the 3 presentations of the Windows 95 lists : larges icons, small icons and report with small icons. Listing mode is the default .
The Windows Explorer button opens it on the local folder of the current entry or on the install folder if any.
The Internet Explorer button opens it on the Web page of the managed entries.
To do
To get a copy-cut-pastable report of the operations to do to synchronize. This action is adjusted with the selected sense.
Select All and Nothing buttons
Standard select mode of Windows ( control clic and shift clic ) are active.
'Select All' button selects all the contents of the current folder in the list. Note that a folder is selected with all its subfolders.
The second button deselects all the previous selected items.
You have to select items, files and folders, when you want to consider them equal or different with no regard to their dates or sizes. See the next buttons.
Forcing update or not
Used on a selection of files and folders.
Considering 2 files equal : if the file is present here, web takes the local parameters to avoid an update. If the file is present only on the Internet, it will be ignored and removed from the external directory list managed by AblyFTP, but not from the Internet.
Considering 2 files different : remote parameters are reset to force update. If the file is present only on the Internet, it will be ignored and removed from the external directory list managed by AblyFTP.
Using thoses buttons is not required for a normal use but may be interesting for ponctual operations to make fine selections.
Those conventional buttons control the direction of update, and avoid non wanted operations.
'Danger' means that operations are from the Web to local : only import is allowed.
'End Danger' returns to normal direction : complete update ( export and import data files ) is allowed.
They do not make any Internet call.
Connection to the host and execution of all the operations needed to reflect the local folder on the Internet.
Accesible by F7 too.
After the first time setting, it is the unique operation needed to maintain the Web updated permanently.
Remember that there are three types of import :
* normal import by replacing existent local file
* import by appending the remote file to the existing local file
* import by completing the local file, like after a 'restart after interrupt', if the server allows the restart option
and one of export :
* only export by replacing the remote file by the local file
After import, the file may be optionnaly erased.
( version 3.0 allows more complexes operations when using NT servers ).
NEW since the 2.8.0 version :
After this operation, the ALTERNATE local folder contains all the files of the selection. Previous data is not erased.
You may use this mode to download a selection of file from an public FTP site ( or gopher vers 3.0 ).
( Previous versions were making exact reverse operation of upload. This way of update was obsolete and a little dangerous. Let's talk about if you need some special process. )
Reading Web directory
It is the first operation to do the first time you want to manage a site if you know it is not empty. Then, AblyFTP, assuming that it is the unique modifier of the site, maintains its own folder contents list.
Note that geting a directory by FTP is the less standardized FTP operation. If you have difficulties with a particular type of host, please eMail the maintainance service to fix it.
Red button is for global filelist , blue for import files filelist and green for a selection when you click with the right button of the mouse.
Erasing the Web folder contents
Be careful. You can get the same result if you tell AblyFTP to upload from an empty local folder.
Normally , the soft is designed to minimize the update and this operation is not useful.